English Language Arts
The SDO-San Juan Online Chronicles
We curate and develop OERs to develop English Proficiency Skills for learning and beyond.
1. Analzye the theme and techniques used in a particular text
2. Create samples of the different literary elements based on one's experiences (e.g. metaphor to describe an emotion)
3. Analyze factual/non-fictional elements (Plot, Characters, Characterization, Point of View, Angle, Setting and Atmosphere, Symbols and Symbolisms, Irony, Figures of Speech,
Dialouge, Scene, Other Elements and Devices) in the text
4. Write a draft of a short piece (Fiction, Poetry, Drama, etc.) using any of the literary
conventions of genre following these pointers:
a. Choosing a topic
b. Formulating a thesis statment
c. Organizing and developing ideas
d. Using any literary conventions of a genre
e. Ensuring that theme and technique are effectively developed
5. Revise the draft of a short piece using any of the literary conventions of a genre (e.g. plot for narrative piece)
1. Present a commentary/critique on a chosen creative non-fictional text representing a particular type of form (Biography/Autobiography, Literary Journalism/Reportage, Personal Narratives, Travelogue, Reflection Essay, True Narratives, Blogs, Testimonies, Other Forms)
2. Write a mini-critique of a peer's work based on coherence and organization of paragraphs, development of literary elements, use of factual information, and other qualities concerning form
and content
3. Write a draft of creative non-fiction piece based on memorable real-life experience
4. Revise the draft based on desirable qualities of well-written creative non-fiction