English Language Arts
The SDO-San Juan Online Chronicles
We curate and develop OERs to develop English Proficiency Skills for learning and beyond.
1. Describe one's drawing about the stories/ poems listened to using simple and compound sentences.
2. Write a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting in stories listened to.
3. Write a short paragraph providing another ending for a story listened to
4. Write a diary
5. Use different kinds of sentences in a dialogue (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative)
6. Use common and proper nouns in a sentence
7. Use plural for of regular nouns by adding /s/ or /es/
8. Use plural form of frequently occuring irregular nouns (children, feet, teeth, etc.)
9. Review reading and writing short a,e,i,o, and u words in CVC pattern
10. Read phrases, sentences, and short sotries consisting of 2-syllable words
11. Initiate conversations with peers in a variety of school settings
12. Summarize and restate information
(describing one's drawing, writing a short descriptive paragraph about a character or setting, writing a paragraph providing another ending, writing a diary, using different kinds of sentences)
(identifying simple or compound sentence, identifying the characters, identifying the possible ending)
1. Use the be-verbs (am, is, are, was, were) correctly in sentences
2. Use simple verbs (past, present, future) in sentences
3. Read words with inital and final consonant blends
4. Read familiar words and phrases in texts
5. Read words, phrases, sentences, and short stories consisting of words with consonant digraph ch and sh and other words previously studied
6. Spell one to two-syllable words with initial and final consonant blends (e.g. pl, tr) and consonant digraphs (ch and sh)
7. Identify commonly used possessive pronouns and use them in a sentence
8. Identify several effects based on a given cause
9. Make inferences and draw conclusions based on texts (pictures, title, and content words)
10. Distinguish fact from opinion
11. Use different sources of information in reading
12. Recognize some words represented by common abbreviations (e.g. Mr., Ave., Oct.)
1. Homonyms (e.g. flower-flour)
2. Homographs (e.g. read-read)
3. Hyponyms
4. Identify possible solutions to problems
5. Identify the elements of an informational/factual text heard
6. Read words with long a,e,i,o, and u sound
7. Read phrases, sentences, stories, and poems consisting of long a,e,i,o, and u words
8. Ask and respond to questions about informational texts listened to (environment, health, how-to's, etc.)
9. Compare and contrast information heard
10. Read word with affixes
11. Write a simple story
1. Use the degrees of adjectives in making comparisons (positive, comparative, superlative)
2. Recognize adverbs of manner
3. Interpret simple maps of unfamiliar places, signs, and symbols
4. Interpret simple graphs, tables, and pictographs
5. Restate facts from informational texts (climate change, children's rights, traffic safety, etc.) listened to
6. Read words containing vowel digraphs - ai, ay, ea, ee, oo, oa
7. Read phrases, sentences, and stories with vowel digraphs - ai, ay, ea, ee, oo, oa
8. Read words with vowel diphthongs: oh (boy), oi (boil), ou (out), ow (bow)
9. Read phrases, sentences, and short stories consisting of vowel diphthongs: oy, oi, ou, ow
10. Recognize and read some irregularly spelled words (e.g. such as enough, through, beautiful)
11. Present information in varied artistic ways (e.g. role playing, show and tell, radio play/podcast/broadcast, reporting, poster presentations)