English Language Arts
The SDO-San Juan Online Chronicles
We curate and develop OERs to develop English Proficiency Skills for learning and beyond.
1. Explains the functions, nature, and process of communication
DepEd TV: SHS English Q1 Ep1: Oral Communication in Context
DepEd TV: SHS Oral Communication Q1 Ep5: Functions of Communication
DepEd TV: SHS ORAL COMMUNICATION Ep6: Aspects of Effective Communication
2. Differentiates the various models of communication
DepEd TV: SHS Oral Communication Q1 Ep 2 Models of Communication
3. Uses various strategies in order to avoid communication breakdown
DepEd TV: SHS Oral Communication Q1 Ep3: Barriers to Communication
DepEd TV: SHS Oral Communication Q1 Ep4: Strategies to Avoid Communication Breakdown
4. Examines sample oral communication activities
5. Identifies the various types of speech context
DepEd TV: SHS Oral Communication Q1 Ep 7 Different Types of Speech Context
6. Distinguishes types of speeches and speech style
7. Responds appropriately and effectively to a speech act
1. Employes various communication strategies in different situations
2. Explains that a shift in speech context, speech style, speech act, and communicative strategy affects the following:
a. Language Form
b. Duration of Interaction
c. Relationship of speaker
d. Role and responsibilities of the speaker
e. Message
f. Delivery
3. Uses principles of effective speech writing focusing on:
a. Audience Profile
b. Logical Organization
c. Duration
d. Word Choice
e. Grammatical Correctness
f. Articulation
g. Modulation
h. Stage Presence
i. Facial Expressions, Gestures, and Movements
j. Rapport with the Audience