English Language Arts
The SDO-San Juan Online Chronicles
We curate and develop OERs to develop English Proficiency Skills for learning and beyond.
1. a. Fill-out forms accurately (school forms, deposit, and withdrawal slips, etc.)
b. Module 1: Filling-out Forms Accurately
2. a. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words using text clues
b. Module 2 Lesson 1: Inferring the Meaning of Compound Words Using Context Clues
c. Module 2 Lesson 2: Inferring the Meaning of Words with Affixes Using Context Clues
d. Module 2 Lesson 3: Inferring the Meaning of Blended Words Using Context Clues
e. Module 2 Lesson 4: Inferring the Meaning of Clipped Words Using Context Clues
3. Use compound and complex sentences to show cause and effect and problem and solution relationship of ideas
a. Compound Sentence Showing Cause and Effect
b. Complex Sentence Showing Cause and Effect
c. Compound Sentence Showing Problem and Solution
d. Complex Sentence Showing Problem and Solution
e. Module 3 Lesson 1: Using Complex Sentences to Show a Cause and Effect Relationship
f. Module 3 Lesson 2: Using Compound Sentences to Show a Problem-Solution Relationship
4. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures
e. Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunction Part I
f. Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunction Part II
g. Module 4 Lesson 1: Composing Inverted Sentences with Correct Subject and Verb
h. Module 4 Lesson 2: Composing Descriptive Sentences Using Different Kinds of Adjectives
1. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures
a. Aspects of Verbs
Worksheet 1: Simple or Zero Aspects of Verbs
Worksheet 2: Perfect Tense of Verbs
b. Modal Verbs
3. Examine images which present particular viewpoints, e.g. stereotypes (gender, age, cultural), opinions on an issue
4. Distinguish among various types of viewing materials
1. Distinguish text-types acoording to purpose and features: classification, explanation, enumeration, and time order
2. Summarize various text types based on elements
3. Make a stand
4. Provide evidence to support opinion/fact
1. Analyze how visual and multi-media elements contribute to the meaning of a text
2. Write paragrpahs showing: cause and effect, comparison and contrast, and problem and solution relationships
a. Cause and Effect
b. Comparison and Constrast
c. Problem and Solution
3. Write a feature article