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1.  a. Classify/Categorize sounds heard (animals, mechanical objects, musical instruments,                  environment, speech)

     b. DepEd TV: Grade 2 English Q1 Ep1: Classifying/ Categorizing Sounds Heard


2.  a. Read the alphabets of English and associate to phonemes

     b. DepEd TV: Grade 2 English Q1 Ep2: Recognizing the Alphabet and Words with Medial


3.  Recognize common or proper nouns in simple sentences listened to

     a. The Noun Song - defines a noun using a simple melody

     b. Proper Nouns - shows the differences between common and proper nouns with examples                                     and rules to follow

     c. DepEd TV: Grade 2 English Q1 Ep3: Identifying Nouns

     d. DepEd TV: Grade 2 English Q1 Ep4: Differentiate Common Nouns from Proper Nouns


4.  a. Recognize the use of a/an + noun in simple sentences listened to

     b. DepEd TV: Grade 2 English Q1 Ep5: Recognizing the Use of A and An + Noun

     c. DepEd TV: Grade 2 English Q1 Ep6: Recognizing the Use of A/An + Singular Nouns


5.  a. Identify the English equivalent of words in the Mother Tongue or in Filipino

     b. DepEd TV: Grade 2 English Q1 Ep7: Identify the English equivalent of some words in our             mother tongue

     c. DepEd TV: Grade 2 English Q1 Ep8: Identifying the Equivalent of Words in the Mother   

         Tongue or in Filipino


6.  a. Give the beginning letter of the name of each picture

     b. DepEd TV: Grade 2 English Q1 Ep9: Identifying the Beginning Letter of the Name of Each


     c. DepEd TV: Grade 2 English Q1 Ep10: Identifying the Beginning Letter of the Name of Each



7.  a. Recognize common action words in retelling, conversation, etc.

     b. DepEd TV: Grade 2 English Q1 Ep 11 Identifying Action Words

     c. DepEd TV: Grade 2 English Q1 Ep12: Recognizing Action Words in Stories

     d. DepEd TV: Grade 2 ENGLISH Ep13: Identifying Action Words in Conversations 

     e. DepEd TV: Grade 2 English Q1 Ep 14 Recognizing Action Words Used in Making



8.  a. Identify and discuss the elements of a story (theme, setting, characters, and events)

     b. DepEd TV: Grade 2 English Q1 Ep 15 Identifying the Setting of the Story



1.  Recognize the common terms in English relating to part of book (e.g. cover, title page, etc.) 


2.  Generate ideas through pre-writing activities


3.  Writing some words, a phrase, or a sentence about an illustration or a character


4.  Discuss the illustrations on the cover and predict what the story may be about


5.  Identify title, author, and book illustrator and tell what they do


6.  Spell high-frequency words with short a,e,i,o, and u sound in CVC pattern


7.  Use common action words in retelling, conversations, etc. 


8.  Identify the basic sequence of events and make relevant predictions about stories 


1.  Use clues to answer questions, clarify understanding, and justify predictions before, during,         and after reading (titles, pictures, etc.)


2.  Create or expand word clines


3.  Recognize that some words may have the same (synonyms) or opposite (antonyms) meaning

    a.  Synonyms

         DepEd TV: Grade 2 English Q3 Ep3: Synonyms

    b.  Antonyms


4.  Recognize the difference between "made-up" and "real" in texts listened to


5.  Identify important details in expository text listened to


6.  Retell and/or reenact events from a story


7.  Talk about texts identifying major points and key themes


8.  Participate in choral speaking and echo reading of short poems, rhymes, and stories with             repeated patterns and refrains in English


9.  Listen and respond to texts to clarify meanings heard while drawing on personal experiences



1.  Read words with short a,e,i,o, and u sound in CVC pattern


2.  Match the picture with its sight word


3.  Spell 2-syllable words with short a,e,i,o, and u sound in CVC pattern


4.  Use personal pronouns (e.g. I, you, he, she, it, we, they) in dialogues


5.  Use demonstrative pronouns (this/that, these/those)


6.  Use the most frequently occurring preposition (e.g. on, over, under, to, from, above, etc.)


7.  Differentiate words with different medial vowels (e.g. cap-cop-cup; fan-fin-fun)


8.  Read phrases, short sentences, and short stories consisting of wrds with short a,e,i,o, and u         sound then answer the Who, What, and Where questions about them


9.  Write the names of pictures with short a,e,i,o, and u words

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